Just wondering about how the HP8 MKII gets along with efficient headphones? I have sets that in the 32 to 38 Ohm range. The manual states that the low range is ideal for these, but I would to hear some input from other owners.
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Many thanks for your interest in our Icon Audio HP8 MKII Tube Headphone amplifier. The HP8 uses two Class A tubes with high quality output transformers that provide ideal matching for headphones type 30-600. For additional information please contact us direct at sales@audioarcan.com Regards, Warren - Audioarcan
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Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in the Icon Audio HP8 Headphone amplifier. We have sold a number of these headphone amps including to Michael Johnson a well known Reviewer. You can read his review on Audiophilia (www.audiophilia.com). We can also provide other contacts for clients that own the HP8. Please feel free to contact us at sales@audioarcan.com -- Office: 249-880-5040. Regards, Warren
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The Icon Audio HP8 would be excellent with headphones of these specs. I own one personally and use the HP8 MKII with similar headphones. The Icon HP8 MKII is now available with tube and capacitor Signature upgrade and Bluetooth option. For additional information and/or assistance in ordering please contact sales@audioarcan.com Regards, Warren
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Many thanks for getting back to us Shane. I hope that the Little Dot Mark 9 works out well for you. Enjoy the tube rolling as it is always good fun to reach for the next level of audio bliss. Hopefully we will see you again down the road. Best Regards and Happy Listening, Warren - Audioarcan
Thanks for the update. I actually went ahead and ordered a Little Dot Mark 9 and it left China yesterday. It was very affordable at $489.00US ($644.00 Cdn.). I will play with this and tube roll for the rest of the year and then decide whether to climb the "tube tree" or not.
Greetings Shane - Unfortunately no news on used/demo Icon Audio HP8 tube headphone amps however we are getting a Graham Slee Novo traded-in next week. Not in the league of the HP8 however a very nice sounding headphone amplifier. When you add the upgraded Graham Slee PSU1 power supply the Novo really preforms. Price on the Novo will be $350 and it is a $300 upgrade to add the larger power supply. Regards, Warren
Will keep you in mind - We do not get allot of used HP8's however we have made a note. Thanks again for the visit. Regards, Warren
Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in the Icon Audio HP8 Headphone amplifier. We have sold a number of these headphone amps including to Michael Johnson a well known Reviewer. You can read his review on Audiophilia (www.audiophilia.com). We can also provide other contacts for clients that own the HP8. Please feel free to contact us at sales@audioarcan.com -- Office: 249-880-5040. Regards, Warren