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*** Audioarcan Is The Authorized Canadian Distributor and Warranty Depot for Graham Slee Phono Stages, Headphone Amps, DAC, Mono Block amplifiers and UK Handmade Cable Solutions *** FREE SHIPPING IN CANADA AND US WITH TAX INCLUDED *** N/C Stereo/Mono Switch ****


To order/purchase in US funds just email an invoice request to: - PayPal available for credit card use. No membership is needed. Also available on Audiogon and CAM US. FREE SHIPPING WITHIN US and CANADA.


The Era Gold V works wonders with moving magnet and high output cartridges.

So much so it had one influential reviewer declaring it to be miraculous!

The Era Gold V takes over the reigns from where our legendary Gram Amp range leaves off in taking your vinyl sound to greater depths and heights.

The Era Gold V phono preamp is supplied with the Green Power Supply with an optional PSU1 power supply, and a choice of voltages and power plugs; or in budget form with basic power supply, allowing you to upgrade to the PSU1 at a later date. Also available with mono switch option.   


For perfect connection see our Graham Slee cables listed on this website. 




The Era Gold V can be ordered using this website cart. You can also order the Era Gold V with PSU1 power supply by emailing a request for a PayPal invoice. The Era Gold w/PSU1 is $1,170. CDN (SPECIAL Extended) - Also available with green power supply $860.  (includes tax/shipping to any address within Canada). Also available for purchase and delivery to US in US currency with PayPal invoice. Just email us at No charge stereo/mono switch included on Era Golds ordered from Audioarcan. All Product Purchased From Audioarcan comes with a Two Year Warranty.



Input range2mV to 10mV
Output (for input range)252mV to 1,260mV (1.26V)
Maximum input39mV rms
Maximum output4.914V rms
Gain42dB (126) at 1kHz
Input impedance47k Ohms plus 100pf
Output (driving/source) impedance910 Ohm
Recommended load impedance10k Ohm or greater
Noise at output-65dB CCIR Q-pk
RIAA accuracy< 0.5dB
Channel balance0.2dB
Channel separation64dB
Size (approx.)W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 180 (mm) inc. jacks

Graham Slee Era Gold w/green power supply

  • Audioarcan include the optional mono/stereo switch at no extra charge


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