Ask us about moving magnet and moving coil cartridges for your turntable. Available brands include Ortofon, Hana, Dynavector, Allnic, Benz Micro, Etsuro-Urushi, and more.
Audioarcan will assist you in selecting a phono cartridge that is a good match for your tonearm and in the budget that you choose. Not all cartridges will preform to their optimum ability unless selected with the tonearm particulars matched correctly. The next step is to select a compatible phono stage preamp that will deliver the best performance from your cartridge/tonearm. Whether you select an entry-level moving magnet or a premium moving coil we can provide you with a synergistic solution.
Variety of Phono MM and MC Cartridges
Just an outstanding MC cartridge and among the best we have ever heard. See the Absolute Sound review of the Hana Umami Red at: